Saturday, August 10, 2024

Traveling in Europe Part III: An Hour Train Ride to Bruges

Traveling in Northern Europe makes one think of size and population comparisons. Oregon is about 9 times the size of Belgium and the country has about 3 times as many people. As we traveled by train from Brussels to Bruges, the landscape was agriculture and towns. Lovely but flat and developed.

Bruges is known as a Fairy Tale Town because of it's Medieval architecture and the beautiful canals. We were just outside the Medieval part of town and Hannah and I joined a woman being filmed dancing outside this gate. Are we now somewhere on TikTok or Youtube?

photo borrowed from Google

Mike had memories of his first Christmas away from home in Bruges. In the winter of 1969 he experienced a quiet snowy town, quite different 55 years later in the touristy summer.

Like Brussels, Bruges has a Grand Place and was founded in  the 9th Century by Danish Vikings. The buildings I was in awe of. were built around the 1700s.

There are surprising spots to escape the crowds inside the city. We found walks around the canals and into the woodsy areas peaceful and quiet.

Flowers are abundant throughout areas along the canals.
Here are some photos from our visit to the Groening Museum.

You can climb on into this mini greenhouse.

Hannah pondering the meaning of this piece of art.

A princessy sort of photo.

And here we enjoyed the tastes that Belgium is well known for: Chocolate and Belgium Waffles.

And yes, they do make the best waffles in Belgium!

And for those over 21 . . .

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