Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Traveling in Europe Part II: On to Brussels


For 3 weeks we traveled over 500 miles by train. We used Uber a handful of times, rode buses, and walked, and walked. and walked. We mostly stayed in VRBOs and airbnbs, with a hotel or two along the way.

In Brussels, we stayed within walking distance of the Grand Place--the historic center of the city. The building of Brussels began in the 1100's and has been burned and bombed over the centuries. It is a spectacular medieval space surrounded by gilded buildings unlike anything you'd see in the US. The time to really see it in it's glory is at night when the buildings are lit up.

Of course we had to visit the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, which is about a 15 minute walk from the Grand Place. The entrance of the Museum wowed us immediately with huge paintings by Constant Montald, an artist I'd not heard of before.

That was the only free part, then we had to decide which of the exhibitions we wanted to visit. We chose the Imagine! exhibit which features surrealism. We saw art that is interesting, sometimes gross, and makes one wonder what it is about.

Here are a few more photos taken in Brussels.

Belgium Waffles are the Bomb!

Tin Tin is still popular in Brussels.

Brussels roof tops.

Which way do we go?

We must go on. Next stop, Bruges.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your most recent trip with another grandchild. They really are getting you around the world!