A year ago I agreed to take on the role of Vice President of this great organization, and this past weekend I was elected as the President. It will take time and energy to do a good job, but I stepped forward because I want to give back to the WSO because of the many benefits I have received as a member.

When I was juried into this statewide organization in 1999, I knew very few watercolor artists. By attending the conventions held twice a year, and taking advantage of the reasonably priced workshops given by nationally and internationally known artists, I have met many talented and hard-working artists and made many friends throughout the state. I now belong to critique groups and have the privilege of entering my paintings into juried exhibits twice a year. All of these things have made me a better artist and have expanded my art-life greatly.
This recent Fall Convention was in Welches, near Mt. Hood. So many educational and fun activities were planned, and one involved several WSO members presenting a Victorian croquet game in costume for other members to sketch and paint. I couldn't resist having my photo taken with fellow member, Mark Findayson in costume. What a creative group with great spirit we WSO members are!
Congratulations Margaret! I'm really looking forward to working with you :) I think you'll find that being President gives you far more than you ever sacrifice!
Great photos of the weekend :)
Good plug for WSO...Great photo with Mark! LaVonne
Congratulations, Margaret! They've found a dedicated and enthusiastic president in you. Warmly, Julie
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